This is what procrastination looks like

This is what procrastination looks like

November 20, 2013 Random Silliness 0

With apologies to Disney’s Mulan. Because reasons…


Let’s get down to business
To write all… the words.
Readers want the next thing
They’re my awesome nerds.

Have to get through this page
And you can bet before I’m through
Draft, I’ll make a book
Out of you.

Crack the can of Monster
Don’t forget… the straw.
Wrote a picture book and
Forgot I couldn’t draw.

Haven’t showered in so many days
That I haven’t got a clue.
Draft, I’ll make a book
Out of you.

I’m never gonna catch my breath
My family doesn’t hardly know me
Gotta spend less Moncler outlet time on the internet
Deadline’s got me scared to death
My editor will have to show me
How long of an extension can I get?

Stay up ’til midnight to fix the chapter
Lose track of the emails that I will send
Proofread until my eyes go blurry
Until I finally type out “THE END”
