Category: News

Ix-nay On Wishing For More Wishes

In the world of publishing, all good things take time. Sometimes a LOT of time. Like that fruitcake your grandma would bake at Thanksgiving for Christmas consumption… Like fruitcake, I am also nutty.  Probably because I have been sitting on this news since just before NCTE… Thrilled to say that it will be illustrated by…
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March 16, 2017 0

Cover Reveal: Someday, Narwhal

So, say you loved STRICTLY NO ELEPHANTS. Especially the parade of unusual friends and pets coming together to make a clubhouse where everyone is welcome. Say you noticed the narwhal in the fishbowl rolling along in her little red wagon. And say that little narwhal got a book of her very own. Coming this fall…
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February 2, 2017 0

Cover Reveal : Sister Day!

So excited to get to finally show you the next piece of artwork in my picture book journey: Sonia Sánchez’s cover art for SISTER DAY! This one is gonna be GLOSSY and EMBOSSED (whoo!) and I promise the interior art is just as darling as the cover. Dedicated to my in-laws, who brought a whole…
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October 28, 2016 0

The Story Without Words

Once upon a time, there was a picture book author who dreamed of a mermaid and sideshow folk and the families that we choose for ourselves. And that picture book author tried time and again to put words to this story, but they all felt too heavy. So she wrote out the story without words.…
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July 7, 2016 0

Narwhal Spin-Off!

The news upon which I hath sat since the day the tiny elephant book debuted: YES. The tiny narwhal in the fish bowl at the end of STRICTLY NO ELEPHANTS is getting her own story! And you know what that means… I now have a legit excuse to buy all things narwhal. <3

April 20, 2016 0

Buy-your-tiny-elephants-in-bulk news!

I’ve been sitting on this for ages, but now it can finally be told: Costco is going to be carrying copies of STRICTLY NO ELEPHANTS *nationwide* starting later this month. I can’t tell you how exciting this is for me. My husband and I have been members since we were starving college students, and our…
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April 6, 2016 0