Category: News

Take a Tour Around Bazalgate and win a Kindle Paperwhite!

To celebrate the Kindle First digital launch of TICKER, the Farthing family would like to loan you your very own Vitesse motorized high-wheeled bicycle and messenger bag. Venture out into the city of Bazalgate to see the sights and retrieve six items necessary to celebrate with Penny and her friends. When you are done, remit…
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November 3, 2014 0

Can’t wait another second to read TICKER?

Then surprise, my lovelies, you can read it right now! It’s true! TICKER was selected as one of four titles for the US and UK Kindle First Program, which means you can get the digital edition RIGHT NOW for $1.99 (and for FREE if you are an Amazon Prime Member.) Kindle First is a program…
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November 1, 2014 0

I’ll tell you a tale of two sisters…

I am delighted to announce that my picture book, SISTER DAY! has been acquired by Sylvie Frank at Paula Wiseman Books (Simon & Schuster) in a deal brokered by the lovely Laura Rennert of the Andrea Brown Literary Agency. Publication is set for Spring of 2016. Sonia Sánchez will be illustrating, and I am thrilled.…
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August 1, 2014 0

TICKER cover art

Feast your eyes upon the shiny, for the cover gods and goddesses continue to smile upon me! Publication date has now been set to December 1, 2014, so set the timers on you SugarWerks Carry-Away Cake Boxes and let’s synchronize our pocket watches! Also, don’t forget you can preorder now (highly advised, because reasons!)

July 22, 2014 0

TICKER now available for preorder!

According to the Bazalgate Evening Gazette, you can now trade your hard-earned coin for a copy of a most excellent steampunk adventure by a Young Adult Author Of Good Reputation (and Impeccable Taste in Corsetry.) Step this way, if you please.

April 17, 2014 0

Mechanical Omphaloskepsis

om·pha·lo·skep·sis. noun \ˌäm(p)-fə-lō-ˈskep-səs\ : contemplation of one’s navel as an aid to meditation; also : navel-gazing # The title of this entry is a tag that I first started using on LiveJournal. From an entry dated May 28, 2008: My dear friend Sunil Sebastian suggested someone in the new novel have a bionic navel. To…
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December 4, 2013 0