Category: Shiny Things

Narwhal Spin-Off!

The news upon which I hath sat since the day the tiny elephant book debuted: YES. The tiny narwhal in the fish bowl at the end of STRICTLY NO ELEPHANTS is getting her own story! And you know what that means… I now have a legit excuse to buy all things narwhal. <3

April 20, 2016 0

Buy-your-tiny-elephants-in-bulk news!

I’ve been sitting on this for ages, but now it can finally be told: Costco is going to be carrying copies of STRICTLY NO ELEPHANTS *nationwide* starting later this month. I can’t tell you how exciting this is for me. My husband and I have been members since we were starving college students, and our…
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April 6, 2016 0

More tiny elephant news!

The French edition of STRICTLY NO ELEPHANTS was released last month by Les Éditions des Éléphants. Since then, it was featured on French television! Interdit aux Éléphants à la télé ! Youhouuuu ! Notre joli livre entre les mains de Nathalie Lebreton, c'était aux Maternelles et c'est à revoir ici ! Posted by Les Éditions…
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March 17, 2016 0

Emily Arrow & the Strictly No Elephants song!

I’m pleased as punch to present the STRICTLY NO ELEPHANTS song by Emily Arrow! It’s part of her #FriendshipFebruary special, so be sure to jump over to her website if you’d like to enter to win a copy of the book, and be sure to follow her YouTube channel for more adorable book-themed children’s songs.

February 29, 2016 0

Congratulations, Tiny Elephant!

Because we are living in the future, I learned via Twitter that STRICTLY NO ELEPHANTS is the recipient of an NCTE 2016 Charlotte Huck Award for Outstanding Fiction for Children, Honorable Mention! The NCTE Charlotte Huck Award recognizes fiction that has the potential to transform children’s lives by inviting compassion, imagination, and wonder. The award…
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November 21, 2015 0

Happy Book Birthday, Vee and Micah!

Back once more to wave *YET ANOTHER* book in your face (it’s the last once for a while, I promise!) Today, we’re celebrating the glory that is SUGAR SKULLS. Now available in paperback, on Kindle (free with Unlimited or the Lending Library!) and the audio book via Audible and MP3 CD. Guys. GUYS. Can I…
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November 10, 2015 0