Tag: book deal!

Mechanical Omphaloskepsis

om·pha·lo·skep·sis. noun \ˌäm(p)-fə-lō-ˈskep-səs\ : contemplation of one’s navel as an aid to meditation; also : navel-gazing # The title of this entry is a tag that I first started using on LiveJournal. From an entry dated May 28, 2008: My dear friend Sunil Sebastian suggested someone in the new novel have a bionic navel. To…
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December 4, 2013 0

Strictly No Elephants

Once there was a small child and his tiny elephant. They needed a forever-home, so they wandered up streets and down, knocking on doors, always hoping… And then, at the top of a tall flight of stairs and behind an apple-red door, a lady with brown hair and smiling eyes invited them to stay a…
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October 9, 2013 3